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Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment & Information Technology: Library Services

BANNER by Lungile Mdanyana

Services Rendered

Library materials not held at the library can be obtained from other WSU Libraries for staff, undergraduate students and postgraduate students. Users should contact the Circulation Librarian or Senior Librarian – User services for their requests. 

  • Library material will be issued out only on production of a valid WSU staff/student identity card (valid passport or S.A. ID in the case of external borrowers or community members).  All these documents are not transferable.

  • Each member is responsible for all items borrowed in his/her name.   The onus is therefore on the member to report lost or stolen identity documents to the Library immediately, to prevent unauthorized use thereof.

  • All items borrowed are subject to the loan period prescribed for that particular type of material.

  • Members are advised to ensure that the material they return is given to Library staff and the loan record is cancelled.  Materials borrowed may not be left on the counter unattended, as the Library will not take responsibility for lost materials.

  • Alumni and external borrowers / community members will sign a binding legal document regarding the borrowing of library material.

Loan periods and the maximum number of library items per user are determined by the borrower’s category/status as follows:-

Category / Status                           No. of Items         Loan period

Chancellor / Council members                        5                          30 days

Academic Staff (FT & Contract)                     20                         90 days

Academic Staff (PT)                                         8                         30 days

Admin, Library & Tech Staff                           10                         30 days

Post-grad students Level 1                             10                        14 days

Post-grad students Level 2                             10                        30 days

Under-grad students                                         6                        14 days

External Borrowers                                           3                         14 days

CHELSA                                                           6                         14 days

Visiting Lecturers                                             5                          14 days

Visiting Students                                               3                         14 days

Alumni                                                               3                         14 days

  • Two renewals will be allowed on / before the due date.

  • Personal or telephonic renewals can be done at the Circulation Desk by providing proper user identification and the item barcode.

  • Online renewals are also acceptable.

Books already out on loan to another user may be reserved at the circulation desk.  The book will be kept at the circulation desk for two (2) days from the date of return, so that the person who made a reservation may collect it.  After two (2) days, the book may be returned to the shelves or given to the next user on the reservation list.

Reference material and books marked “FOR LIBRARY USE/REFERENCE ONLY” are not issued out of the library, except with the special permission of the Librarian in charge.

Items are put on short loan, because of high demand.  These consist of recommended reading lists, prescribed books and photocopies of journal articles, lecturer’s personal copies, reprint pamphlets and handouts required to be read for tutorials, essays, tests or examinations.

Items in this collection can be used in the library for a period of 3 hours per user.  This period, however is renewable unless the item is booked by another user.

Short loan items can be loaned over night and returned at 09h00 the following day.  They can also be loaned over weekends.

Search Library Resources (OPAC)

Information Services

This is part of the basic human right of lifelong learning. All WSU Libraries offer sessions of Information Literacy, to train users on how to use the library and its resources. These sessions include but not limited to:  use of online databases, internet searches, basic and advanced research skills, and referencing tools. For citing when doing  assignments and projects, assignment writing skills please visit the DLT Writing Centre. 

Information Librarians provide reference services, develop and maintain library collections and liaise with faculties on all issues pertaining to learning, teaching and research needs

An Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is accessible to all library users.  It is web-based and is the most up-to-date catalogue of the WSU libraries holdings.  This may be accessed by using the Author/Title/ISBN of an item required and also by using the Subject or Keyword, etc. Walter Sisulu University is subscribing to electronic resources which may also be accessed from the webpage through OPAC. One search can retrieve records for books,

E-books, print and e-journals, theses and dissertations.

Library users can use the Library Computer Laboratory/Electronic Room to do information searches and for other academic activities.  Use your student/staff email credentials to access internet. A booking system of 1 hour is used to gain access to the computer laboratory/Electronic Room.  Assistance is available.



Endnote is a bibliographic management software with a complete online   Reference solution that helps readers to,

  • Store references;
  • Automatically format bibliographies in different reference styles;
  • Collect, collaborate and create bibliographies using Cite while You Write features.


Turnitin is a originality software, that compares written work against the world`s

 Largest repository of student papers, to detect plagiarism (To steal somebody’s work  without  proper referencing or crediting as if it is your work ).

OPAC (Database searches, eBooks and eJournals Access)

OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) is an online bibliography of a library collection that is available to the public.

This is the venue where lecturers create video content. The venue consists of a face tracking camera, interactive whiteboard and mounted data projector. Lecturers come to the library for the TeachInfinity software to be installed in order for the laptops to be compatible with the DSW system. Lecturers can also conduct synchronous sessions with students. This is very convenient when one needs to write content using a stylus pen. For example, it is difficult to teach Maths with PowerPoint slides, the digital script writing offers the affordance of writing in an interactive whiteboard so that students can be able to follow equations, calculations and drawings. The interaction that DSW offers allow students to annotate and participate in the learning activities whilst attending synchronous sessions virtually.

Printing from electronic sources is done at a cost.  

Printing  per page is 50c

Photocopying must comply with the requirements of the Copyright Act.  Photocopying IS NOT used as a substitute for purchasing textbooks or recommended books.

Photocopy / Printing per page is 50c