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Faculty of Natural Sciences: Library Services

A guide portal for the Faculty of Natural Sciences in Mthatha Campus

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Library Opening Hours

Monday - Friday

09:00 - 22:00


09:00 - 17:00



Public Holidays


Exams Period

Monday - Friday

09:00 - 00:00


09:00 - 17:00


09:00 - 17:00

Public Holidays


Information Services

Faculty & Information Librarians assist you with the effective use of any higher education library. We devote time to in-house orientation programmes for all first year students until March of every academic year.  As a follow-up to these orientation programmes the library conducts ongoing Information Literacy skills training, that will help you to easily navigate the information environment using all information formats.  For your academic survival as a student in a higher education institution and as a lifelong learner in society, you will undoubtedly need this skill which will help you succeed not only in writing quality assignments and projects, but impact on your life - long learning competencies throughout your life span.

WSU Libraries are offering sessions of Information Literacy to train users on how to use the library and its resources. These sessions include but are not limited to:  use of online databases, internet sessions, basic research skills (referencing & citing for assignments and projects), assignment writing skills and effective use of information sources. 

An Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is accessible to all library users.  It is web-based and is the most up-to-date catalogue of the WSU libraries holdings. 

A newly released electronic discovery catalogue called Summons is accessible from the WSU webpage. This upgraded catalogue retrieves a combination of records on a given topic. One search can retrieve records for books, e-books, journals electronic resources available to WSU, as well as theses and dissertations.

To gain access to online material subscribed to by WSU Libraries, one needs to be a registered library user, and also register on My Library link on OPAC. Thereafter, one will be able to retrieve online information accessible to WSU, and will also be able to manage one’s book loans.

Mobile phones can be used to search WSU library holdings. The URL is

  • Library users can use their mobile devices to access internet through Eduroam Wifi. This service is free.
  • The Library offers following trainings: Reference Management Tools - Endnote, Mendeley.
  • Trainings are offered for Electronic Resources and Databases.

Conduct & Behaviour in the Library

In order to create an environment that is conducive to teaching, learning and research; members are to adhere to the following code of conduct:

  • Library users must conduct themselves in a decent manner that is not disturbing to other users.
  • The library is a non-smoking environment. Therefore, smoking is prohibited in all parts of the library buildings.
  • No food or drink may be consumed in any library.
  • Firearms are not allowed.
  • Talking on cellphones is not permitted inside the Library.
  •  Cleanliness must be maintained at all times.
  • Users may not put back items back onto the shelves.
  • Theft or mutilation of library material is taken seriously and is a punishable offence.
  • Private property should not be left on chairs or tables by students to reserve places for themselves or others.
  • Furniture may not be moved from reading areas.

Transgression of the WSU libraries’ rules may lead to suspension of the user’s borrowing privileges for a period stipulated by the Librarian in charge.  Serious transgressions will be reported to the Disciplinary Committee.   

Circulation Servirces

Membership is free of charge for all categories mentioned below, except for external borrowers / community members. It commences after library registration. Membership for students expires immediately after the annual examinations or when a student discontinues his/her course of study during the academic year.  Membership expires at the end of each academic year.

Membership of external borrowers or community members is subject to approval by the Campus Librarian and payment of a non–refundable fee of R500.00 that will be reviewed annually.

Membership is grouped according to the following categories:

  • WSU Council Members
  • Academic Staff (Full time, Part-time, Contract and Temporary Staff)
  • Administrative Staff
  • Registered Students
  • External Borrowers or Community Members
  • Visiting Lecturers / Students
  • Alumni.

Staff, Masters and Doctoral students of other universities may gain temporary membership upon receipt of a letter of introduction from the Librarians of their respective universities.  This is in line with the co-operation agreement of the Committee for Higher Education Librarians of South Africa (CHELSA).

  1. Library material will be issued out only on production of a valid WSU staff/student identity card (valid passport or S.A. ID in the case of external borrowers or community members).  All these documents are not transferable.
  2. Each member is responsible for all items borrowed in his/her name.  The onus is therefore on the member to report lost or stolen identity documents to the Library immediately, to prevent unauthorized use thereof.
  3. All items borrowed are subject to the loan period prescribed for that particular type of material.
  4. Members are advised to ensure that the material they return is given to Library staff and the loan record is cancelled.  Materials borrowed may not be left on the counter unattended, as the Library will not take responsibility for lost materials.
  5. Alumni and external borrowers / community members will sign a binding legal document regarding the borrowing of library material.

Loan periods and the maximum number of library items per user are determined by the borrower’s category/status thus:

Category / Status                                       No. of Items               Loan period

WSU Council members                                     5                                   30 days

Academic Staff (FT & Contract)                        20                                60 days

Academic Staff (PT)                                          8                                 30 days

Admin, Library & Tech Staff                              10                                30 days

Post-grad students * Level 1                            10                                14 days

Post-grad students * Level 2                             10                                30 days

Under-grad students                                        8                                 14 days

External Borrowers                                           3                                 14 days

CHELSA                                                           6                                 14 days

Visiting Lecturers                                              5                                 14 days

Visiting Students                                               3                                 14 days

Alumni                                                             3                                 14 days

* Level 1:       B. Tech, Honours, Post Grad Diploma etc.

* Level 2:       Masters & Doctoral

The above categories may vary according to site; contact your local library for details.

  1. Two renewals will be allowed on / before the due date.
  2. Personal or telephonic renewals can be done at the Circulation Desk by providing proper user identification and the item barcode.
  3. Online renewals are also acceptable on the My Account option on OPAC.

Books / Documents already out on loan to another user may be reserved at the circulation desk.  The book will be kept at the circulation desk for two (2) days from the date of return, so that the person who made a reservation may collect it.  After two (2) days, the book may be returned to the shelves or given to the next user on the reservation list.

Reference material and books marked “FOR LIBRARY USE/REFERENCE ONLY” may not be issued out of the library, except with the special permission of the Librarian in charge.

Items may be put on short loan, because of high demand. These consist of recommended reading lists, textbooks and photocopies of journal articles, reprint pamphlets and handouts required to be read for tutorials, essays, tests or examinations.

Items in this collection can be used in the library for a period of 1-3 hours per user. This period, however is renewable unless the item is booked by another user.

Course Reserves

These are items put on short loan by lecturers for a certain period that include personal copies, lecture notes etc.

These may be retrieved using:

  • Lecturer’s name
  • Author & Title or
  • Course codes.

Short loan items can be loaned overnight and returned at 09h00 the following day. They can also be loaned over weekends to be returned on the following Monday. Such items may be collected 2 hours before closing time.

  1. Fines will be levied on all overdue items at R1.00 an item per day, for all books from the open shelves.
  2. A fine will be levied on all short loan items returned late at R1 per hour.
  3. Failure to pay library fines will result in inter alia, final examination time - table / exam results being withheld.

Users losing or failing to return books, or returning items in a damaged condition are subject to replacement and processing charges as determined by the library.

  • Books in print = Current price + Administrative costs.
  • Out of Print Books = Original purchase price + Inflation rate + Administrative costs.

A replacement copy of the same or latest edition will be accepted provided that, it is in good condition.

 A clearance certificate from the Human Resource Department will be signed by the Manager: Library Services or Head Lending, in the event of a staff member terminating his/her services with the University. Where library books are owed a replacement cost shall be calculated.

Library material not held in the WSU Libraries can be obtained from other libraries for staff or postgraduate students.  Requests may also be placed online from remote workstations through OPAC.  This service is costly and has to be used with care.  Books acquired through this service may be issued subject to the regulations of the lending library.

The WSU Institutional Repository is hosted by the SEALS Digital Commons, amongst the other member libraries’ collections. It contains WSU theses and dissertations, lecture series as well as articles and conferences emanating from the institution. These may be accessed via the WSU Vital Repository link on the library page