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EndNote Referencing Manager: EndNote Online

Learn how to use EndNote Desktop and EndNote Online for their most common functions.

EndNote Online

EndNote Online is the online component of EndNote. All Pitt students and faculty have access to EndNote Online when you download the EndNote desktop software. You can sign up for an account at For verification purposes, you have to do this from a computer on the Pitt network, using your Pitt email address.

With EndNote Online you can access your collection of references from any computer with Internet access. You can also search databases from it, and export references from library databases to it, and import saved references. You can sync your desktop Endnote collection and your EndNote Online collection. EndNote Online also has a Cite While You Write (CWYW) plug-in, so you don't have to be tied to one computer when writing a research paper.

EndNote Sync

This video shows how to create a back up and sync an EndNote library. Syncing a library will allow you to access your references from another computer with EndNote desktop or online.