EndNote offers a couple ways to save references directly from your browser into EndNote Online or EndNote Desktop. One is through Capture, a downloadable extension for the Firefox browser, and the other is through the Capture Reference bookmarklet. The Download Installers link from the EndNote Online page gives full details.
The Capture button (plug-in) is available on the EndNote Online toolbar which is created automatically when you install the Cite While You Write plug-in or the Firefox Extension.
The Capture Reference bookmarklet is available if you downloaded the Web Capture installer.
The Capture tools scan the bibliographic information presented on a Web page and create a reference that you can save to a new or existing group. If no group is specified, the reference is saved to Unfiled.
For the Capture buttons to work best, you must be in a Capture compatible resource and at the individual item level (not in a list of citations). List of Capture Compatible Sources
To capture a reference:
Note: Be aware that some Web sites alter the URL during your session. Changing the record view can have this effect.
If you are viewing an abstract version of a record, make sure to determine the abstract's origin before saving to your library. Abstracts are sometimes provided by publishers or other resources and can be inaccurate. Only cite from an abstract if it was written by the same author(s) of the full-text version.
A default reference type, the type most commonly used, is assigned to each Resource. After saving the reference with Capture, confirm that the reference type is correct and all fields indicated with asterisks are complete.