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EndNote Referencing Manager: Create a Bibliography

Learn how to use EndNote Desktop and EndNote Online for their most common functions.

In EndNote Online

EndNote Online provides a quick bibliography feature allowing you to output your references in a specified bibliography output style and in a specified file format to e-mail, save or print.

To create a bibliography:

  1. From the Format tab, click the Bibliography link.
  2. Select the references to format, such as those in a personal group, from the References drop-down list box.
  3. Select the output style from the Bibliographic style drop-down list box.
  4. Select the file format.
  5. Click the Save To, E-mail, or Preview & Print buttons.
  • A file using the Save option – a standard ‘File Download’ window will appear allowing you to open the file or save to disk. If saving to disk, a standard 'Save to' window will open so that you can browse to the folder location and name the file.
  • An e-mail using the Email option – an ‘e-mail’ window will appear allowing you to enter the e-mail addresses of those to receive the e-mail, a subject, and a message.
  • A printed list using the Preview & Print option – a ‘Preview & Print’ window will appear allowing you to print to a local or network printer.

EndNote Online is also designed to work with a word processor, such as MS Word with the Cite While You Write (CWYW) plug-in. As you insert citations, EndNote automatically builds a bibliography at the end of your document according to the rules of whatever citation style is selected. Changing the citation style will automatically reformat the bibliography and citations to the new style.

In EndNote Desktop

EndNote Desktop is also designed to work with a word processor, such as MS Word with the Cite While You Write (CWYW) plug-in. As you insert citations, EndNote automatically builds a bibliography at the end of your document according to the rules of whatever citation style is selected. Changing the citation style will automatically reformat the bibliography and citations to the new style.

Using EndNote with BibTeX & LaTeX

You can use easily export your EndNote references to BibTeX by following these steps:

  1. Select the references you'd like to export. Or, select All References if you'd like to export your entire library.
  2. In the Output Style drop-down menu in the toolbar at the top of your screen, choose Select Another Style.
  3. Select BibTeX Export from the list. When you preview your citation, it will now be in the BibTeX format.
  4. From the File menu, select Export.
  5. Change the File Name to read filename.bib (Adding the ".bib" extension will create a file that BibTeX can read.)

Now you have a file ready to be imported into your BibTeX program.

For further information on how EndNote works with BibTeX and LaTeX, please consult these sources: